Tuesday, July 14

Virtues, Laughter, Yoga, and Miracles...

Not necessarily in that order...

I'm sitting here listening to Monkey play "music to relax to" on the guitar. Ava's cuddled up between me and Monkey---enjoying the peace. Ava asks her daddy to make her a CD of his relaxing guitar music so she can always listen to him play the guitar. I want to cry because it touches my heart. AnnaBanana is taking a bath. She never shuts up but even she is enjoying the calm. Sort of. When she gets too loud, we all holler "PEACE" to her and that makes her realize that the voices in her head are escaping and making noise on the outside.

It's been a good night. We have laughed and laughed. It feels good to be present in the moment. At the dinner table tonight, while we were laughing...I remember "feeling" the happiness and joy and I know I want more of that. I was just trying to remember what we were laughing at and it's crazy that I don't remember the details. Oh, yeah....one thing was when I did yoga with Anna...I've never done yoga but I'm feeling so good lately that I decided to try it. So we pop in the DVD and sit down and begin with breathing. Then we do---I think, it's called--the Downward Facing Dog---and I'm thinking it's feeling really good...but meditation is tough when all I hear is laughter from behind. I thought it was because Teki kept hopping on my back but come to find out, it was because I looked ridiculous! So I laughed it off...and said okay that's enough for tonight (because the purpose is meditation, right?) AnnaBanana said..."MooMoo, don't go. I'll stop laughing at you but I have to turn the other way because you just look so funny!" It is now 10:00 pm and we are still laughing. They HAVE to go to bed!

We been doing Vacation Bible School this week and have been having sooooo much fun! I'm teaching the "Faith" station and it's really been great! I'm learning as much as the kids. Yesterday, I went into the Catholic bookstore to find a "gift" for my kids because the theme for today's lesson was "The Mass is GIFT." When I walked into the store, there was a retired priest and the sales clerk in the store. I told the clerk that I was looking for a small gift that would represent Mary (our Saint for the day) and something not too expensive because I'd need 33 of them. So the sales clerk heads over to the Miraculous medals and begins counting them. In the meantime, the priest begins telling me how to present this "gift" to the kids. His first words were "First, you have to get a magnifying glass." Okay...I didn't mention that our whole theme of VBS this year is "The Marvelous Mystery--The Mass Comes Alive" and all of decorating, teaching props, and prizes are magnifying glasses! It was like the brush of angels wings when this old retired priest who didn't know me from Adam said these words to me. You better believe that I was listening to every word he said. Then he tells me to attach gold safety pins to the medals so I can tie in the scripture about "Silver and gold have I none, but I have a greater gift that is eternal life." (He quoted the scripture right...I paraphrased.) So freaking cool! I was pumped and excited to teach my lesson the next day. I thought then that I was experiencing a wonderful blessing from God. But it gets even better. So as the priest finishes teaching me my lesson, the sales clerk turns to me and says, "I only have 33." OMG! She has them in her hands and the priest takes her hands and mind and blesses them on the spot. I thank him and she takes them to the register, puts them in a bag, and hands them to me. I pull out my wallet to pay and she tells me, "The medals are yours as a gift. They are blessed. I won't charge you for a blessed item." I was shocked. I walked into that store looking for a gift to give and left having received a miraculous gift from God! It was an amazing experience to witness this type of miracle FIRSTHAND!
Again, it's being present in the moment and expecting wonderful things to happen. I never really said..."okay, now, I'm going to get 33 medals and a "lesson" for free when I go into this store" but I do say these words every day..."WONDERFUL THINGS JUST HAPPEN TO ME ALL THE TIME!!!!" And it's true they do. As I left the store, a young girl walked in the store...and the priest said, "Well, God is sending me all these angels today." I'm was thinking the same thing except I'm thinking the angel was old Father Ken Williams and the dear sweet sales lady who was a Saint...even when she lost her sale. Wow! Life is good!

This week, each day we have a "virtue" that we are teaching about. Patience, peace, unity, generosity, and faith. As I've written in previous posts, my life is moving in a new direction and each of these are virtues that I'm embracing...except the patience thing...I'm a firm believer of "never ask for patience because you might get it." Luckily, we had a church tour yesterday and I didn't have time to teach about patience. I wouldn't be too good at that virtue. I loved today...peace. Since I'm on my own "path to peace", it was a wonderful virtue to teach. I'm excited about the others because they are all virtues that mean so much to me.

Before I go to sleep tonight, I want to say to anyone who reads this blog: Life changes when your thoughts change. People, this is key. If you're happy where you are, keep doing the same things. Keep thinking the same thoughts. But if you aren't happy with your life, change your thoughts and you will change your life! I promise this is true. Live in the magic of your thoughts. Dwell on your life as you want it to be and it will be. I'm just beginning on this journey...but already, I see the magic and I'm beginning to live what I can only called a "charmed life." I'm so excited and passionate about this. For the first time in a very long time, I am excited about living life. And it will only get better. Of that I am sure.

Things that make me happy tonight: Teki, laughter, friendships-old and new, and my family, and the new-found joy that is in my heart.
Mama's little Tequila Rose Tassin (also known as Teki, Teki Bug, and Cheetah)

Oh, and this: Some people are born to do something special in life. Sometimes, it takes a little while to figure it out. Sometimes, not. This little girl was born to sing. I am Connie Talbot's biggest fan (except maybe her mama). Beautiful.

"I am healthy, wealthy, passionate, happy, wise, loving, warm, inspiring, beautiful and peaceful and WONDERFUL things just happen to me everyday!" I reserve the right to add to this list at any time!
posted by Marybeth @ 7:20 PM |


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