Wednesday, July 8

Thinking thoughts of health and wealth...

I'm heading off for lunch with a friend then I'll be back to do some writing and blog, myspace and facebook editing. Got lots of things on my mind--lots of things to be said and done. If I told you I'd do it, I will do it. Please be patient with me.

Just a little example of how knowing The Secret works: Last night, I was under the weather but I fell asleep intentionally thinking thoughts of perfect health. Monkey just asked me how I felt this morning and I told him that I felt FABULOUS this morning. He reminded me that I wasn't feeling "FABULOUS" last night but this morning, I feel so good that I couldn't even remember feeling the least bit ill last night. Proof that you become your thoughts!

"I am healthy, wealthy, passionate, happy, and beautiful." I have the right to add to this list at any time!

Love ya! I'll be back soon!
posted by Marybeth @ 8:46 AM |


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