Tuesday, June 16

Life as it is today...

I've got to get some things done today.

1) My Finite Math professor added four assignments yesterday for a chapter that was due Sunday. So I've got to figure out the homework and take the quiz...and take the chapter test. Fun. Uh, no.

2) I've got a stack of paperwork that needs to be done. Bills, correspondence, stuff like that.

3) This year, I qualified for financial aid. Last year, I did not. Last fall, I paid for 18 hours out of my pocket. Then when hell broke loose in my life, I dropped down to three hours (which I passed with an A). Now, in order to get financial aid this upcoming year, I have to write an appeal letter. Why does that make sense? NSU got my money. Now they want to punish me for paying them? Doesn't make sense to me and actually it pisses me off royally. I don't have time for this.

4) Laundry--ugh. Then I've got to take it to Cloria Dell to iron. Which means I have to fix my hair and put some makeup on. Geesh.

5) CMT Awards tonight!!!!! Yeah!!!! Something to look forward to on television tonight. Doesn't happen to me a lot when American Idol is not on!

6) You know, Simon Cowell has been single for over a year now. I think he is uber-sexy.

7) I'm procrastinating. I must get to work. I promise to make this blog more exciting with pictures and stuff...but I don't know when I'll make good on that promise. My life is so boringly busy.
posted by Marybeth @ 10:13 AM |


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